An old-fashioned newspaper for a newfangled world…
The Leaf is the community newspaper for Winnipeg’s historic Wolseley Neighbourhood.
We’re delivered 11 times a year to the doors of 4100 homes in the Wolseley, West Broadway,
and Armstrong’s Point areas of Winnipeg.
The Leaf Distribution
4,100 copies of The Leaf are delivered each issue. 3,500 door-to-door in Wolseley, PLUS an additional 600 to select apartments and businesses.

Streets Distribution
4,600 copies of Streets are delivered each issue.
Streets is delivered from Portage Avenue to Notre Dame Avenue, and Balmoral Street to Ingersoll Street.

Need Help Designing Your Ad? We can help!
The Leaf is published on the 1st week of every month. Please provide final ad materials no later than the 20th of the month before publication. We cannot guarantee publication if we receive ad materials after this date
Rates are per publication (The Leaf, Streets).
Size | 1x | 3x | 6x | 12x | Colour Premium |
2 Col x 2 Inches | $60 | $56 | $52 | $48 | $18 per edition |
2 Col x 3 Inches (Biz Card) | $90 | $84 | $78 | $72 | $27 per edition |
2 Col x 4 Inches | $120 | $112 | $104 | $96 | $24 per edition |
2 Col x 5 Inches | $150 | $140 | $130 | $120 | $30 per edition |
2 Col x 6 Inches | $180 | $168 | $156 | $144 | $36 per edition |
1/4 Page (6” x 6.625”) | $300 | $280 | $260 | $240 | $60 per edition |
1/2 page (8” wide x 10” high or 10” wide x 8” high) | $600 | $560 | $520 | $480 | $120 per edition |
Full Page
10 Inches x 16 Inches
Base Price: $700 inside page, $750 back page
Colour Premium: $140 inside page per edition, $150 back page per edition
Contact us regarding this special advertising option.
Make it Happen
To place an ad, get help choosing the right advertisement options for you, or ask a question,
please contact us:
Richard Freeman
- leafbizpromotions@gmail.com
- (204) 775-1236